GDC 2024 targeted the frustrated and unemployed, offering discounted tickets and a group therapy session Despite the...
Artificial intelligence (AI)
A US company aims to take the lead in artificial intelligence and other industries, having developed a...
The party is considering a proposal to outlaw tools used for nonconsensual pornography and has pledged not...
The fast-food chain is addressing the issue but denies a cyberattack McDonald’s restaurants in several countries, including...
Countries such as Ivory Coast, Liberia, Benin, Ghana, and Burkina Faso are among those experiencing internet outages...
Tesla CEO’s lawsuit alleges the company abandoned its founding mission of openly sharing technology to benefit humanity...
Oxford study reveals tech’s healthcare impact, ethical concerns Researchers emphasize ethical AI use in social care. A...
Altman expressed relief over investigation closure, admits handling dispute with former board member could have been better...
Environmental groups caution against claims AI solves climate crisis Environmental groups caution against AI claims, warning of...
Shane Jones alerted management multiple times, but no action followed On Wednesday, a Microsoft AI engineer voiced...